Mongolia Highlights Tour


1 03/09/2024

Arrival in Ulaanbaatar

· Arrive into Ulaanbaatar Airport where your driver will be waiting to transfer to the hotel.

· Spend the rest of the day at leisure.

· Overnight in hotel in Ulaanbaatar.

2 04/09/2024

Capital City Tour

· After breakfast we will have a full day city tour exploring the sites of the capital.

· We will visit the Gandan Function Monastery with its huge golden Buddha; take a tour at the War Memorial at Zaisan, then visit the religious centre of Zanabazar.

· Later we will visit Bogd Kgaan Winter Palace and Sukhbaatar square which is the main square of the city featuring massive bronze statues of Genghis Khan.

· After lunch in the city we will pay a visit the National History Museum.

· In the evening we will go out for dinner and enjoy a folklore performance.

· Overnight in hotel in Ulaanbaatar.

3 05/09/2024

Six Camp Complex

· Today we will be driven to see one of the largest statues in the world at the Genghis Khan statue complex.

· Next we set off for the 13th Century National Park where we can get an authentic perspective on what life was like in Mongolia centuries ago.

· After lunch, we take a tour of the 6 camp complexes including the infamous Relay Station. There will also be an opportunity to dress in traditional Mongolian attire if you wish!

· Later, we will drive to the Gun Galuut Nature Reserve, home to an incredible diverse ecosystem and to some of the world’s most endangered species.

· We will spend the night in a ger camp at the reserve. Shared 4 bed accommodation only.

4 06/09/2024

Khar Zurkhnii Khukh Nuur (Blue Lake)

· Start the day with breakfast in the reserve before continuing to explore and take in this vast and pristine Mongolian steppe.

· We will then drive on toward Dadal Village, stopping at the beautiful Khar Zurkhnii Khukh Nuur (Blue Lake).

· After lunch we will drive to Baldan Bereeven Monastery, which was built in 1777 and has housed thousands of Lamas over the centuries!

· We will continue to Rashaan Khad; an archaeological site displaying an array of ancient rock carvings and paintings.

· Next we drive to the ancient Uglugch Wall and the Shamanic site of Binder Ovoo.

· We finish the day in Binder Sum where we will have dinner and stay in a ger overnight. Shared 4 bed accommodation only.

5 07/09/2024

Binder Sum

· We have breakfast at the camp before embarking on our first day of horse riding and sightseeing. (As there will be mixed abilities of riders, we take the pace slow and leisurely, so that you can enjoy the natural beauty of the Mongolian landscape.)

· We begin riding around to explore Binder Sum, where we will explore Binder Sum before having lunch.

· Afterward, we return to the ger camp by car and spend the evening relaxing. Shared 4 bed accommodation only.

6 08/09/2024

Mongolian Queen Complex

· Today is a full day of exploring on horseback along the Onon River, taking in the sights with a packed lunch break along the way.

· We head to the Mongolian Queen Complex at Bayan Adarga; an archaeological site containing more than 300 tombs from the Xiognu era.

· After exploring the complex and surrounding area we return to the ger camp for dinner and overnight. Shared 4 bed accommodation only.

7 09/09/2024

Horse Ride Along the Onon River

· Enjoy breakfast before meeting your horse again for further exploration along the Onon River, enjoying a scenic route and taking in the Mongolian landscape.

· We will stop for a packed lunch break at midday on the banks of the river and then continue exploring the vast and beautiful landscape in the afternoon.

· Return to the ger camp for dinner and stay overnight. Shared 4 bed accommodation only.

8 10/09/2024

Continue Horse Ride Adventure

· We continue our horseback adventure for another day! Today we further explore the majestic natural landscape, stopping for a relaxing packed lunch break at midday.

· We later return to the ger camp, enjoy dinner and spend another night soaking in the peaceful atmosphere of the Mongolian natural landscape. Shared 4 bed accommodation only.

9 11/09/2024

Dadal Village

· This will be our final morning of horse riding.

· After breakfast, we journey to Dadal Village on horseback. Dadal Village is thought to be the area of Genghis Khan’s birth. Here, we will see the Gate of Genghis Khan before heading to the new campsite.

· We will have lunch then we will visit the Genghis Khan Obelisk, built in 1962 to honour 800 years since his birth.

· Next, we visit Deluun Boldog; a monument that commemorates the location considered to be the birth place of Chinggis Khan.

· We then head to Khajuu Bulag mineral spring, where you can drink the sacred and magical water that legend has it Genghis Khan has drunk from!

· After, we head back to the ger camp for dinner and spend the evening at leisure. Shared 4 bed accommodation only.

10 12/09/2024

Khunnu Khuduu Aral

· After breakfast, we will drive to Khunnu Khuduu Aral, stopping for a packed lunch break en route. Khunnu Khuduu is an important historical site which was thought to be the first political centre of the Mongolian Empire.

· In the evening, we will have dinner and enjoy our final night at the ger camp. Shared 4 bed accommodation only.

11 13/09/2024

Back to Ulaanbaatar

· We enjoy a leisurely morning visiting further sites in the vicinity, including a museum dedicated to archaeological excavations in the area.

· In the afternoon we will leave the ger camp and drive back to Ulaanbaatar to spend the night in a hotel.

12 14/09/2024

Free Day

· Free day to spend at your leisure.

· Overnight in hotel in Ulaanbaatar.

13 15/09/2024

Head to Hovd

· In the morning we will have breakfast at the hotel before transferring to the airport for our flight to Hovd.

· We explore around town and will also have a chance to meet "Hoomii-singers"!

· After lunch, we will begin our drive north where we will see the beautiful snow capped peaks, rocky valleys and crystal clear spring waters.

· We can also visit the nomadic Kazakh and Urianhai (one of the western Mongolian ethnic groups) families and experience their hospitalities who live mostly on the north side of Tsamba-Garav Uul (one of the highest snow capped mountains in Mongolia 4208m) at a place called “Tavan Belchir” or "Five Pastures".

· From there we have the chance to hike closely to the snow caps.

· Next we will continue our drive and reach Olgii town.

· Here we will spend the night in a local ger camp. Shared 4 bed accommodation only.

14 16/09/2024

Altai Eagle Festival

· Today we will have an early breakfast then head over to the Altai Eagle Festival!

· Here we will meet the Kazakh Eagle hunters; the rodeo of eagle hunting. There will be a fantastic opportunity for photos and enthusiasts alike to see these magnificent birds up close. There are approx. 400 eagle hunters in Bayan-Olgii Aimag and eagle hunters from around nearby regions gather to test their finely trained birds in contests of speed and agility.

· During the festival we also see some Kazakh Traditional Horse Games like “BushKushi", "Kiss woman on horseback" and "Pick up coins from the land on horseback".

· In the evening we will enjoy the Kazakh Concert with some traditional songs and music.

· Overnight in the ger camp. Shared 4 bed accommodation only.

15 17/09/2024

Kazakh Traditional Horse Games

· Today we will continue exploring and enjoying all the Altai Eagle Festival has to offer.

· Overnight in the ger camp. Shared 4 bed accommodation only.

16 18/09/2024

Back to Ulaanbaatar

· After breakfast, we will drive to Olgii Airport to catch our flight to Ulaanbaatar.

· Upon arrival into Ulaanbaatar, we will transfer from the airport to the hotel to have lunch.

· We then spend the afternoon at leisure before heading out for a farewell dinner in Ulaanbaatar.

· Overnight at the hotel in Ulaanbaatar.

17 19/09/2024

Tour Ends

· Today the tour ends, transfer to airport.

Please note:

There are no facilities in the Gers, it is outside shared bathrooms/showers.


  • - Accommodation in twin/double rooms in Ulaanbaatar (private bathrooms)
  • Accommodation in 4 bed nomadic style gers at the tourist camps (shared bathrooms)
  • - Transport and all transfers
  • - Entrance fees to the National Parks, monasteries, museums, Altai Eagle Festival and Chinggis Khaan statue
  • - Breakfast, lunch and dinner included every day from Day 2, except the free day on Day 12 and the departure day when only breakfast is included
  • - Water throughout the tour
  • - Horse riding: all equipment, and horse guide/man
  • - English speaking local guide
  • - Lupine tour leader
  • - Air ticket UB - Hovd, Olgii - UB (paid on arrival to local partners)
  • - Folklore Performance
  • - International flights
  • - Travel and medical insurance
  • - Visa
  • - Tips for guides
  • - No meals included on day 1, no lunch and dinner included on day 12 and 17
  • - Personal expenses
  • - Single room supplement fee of £175
  • - Extra accommodation at the start/end of tour. Twin/double room is £45pp, single room is £90.
  • Tour Price: £2145
  • Deposit: £500
  • Single Room Supplement: £175
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