Central America – El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala


Tour leader: Nick

1 29/11/2025

Arrive in San Salvador

• Arrival into San Salvador.

• Make our way to the hotel and meet at night to go for a group dinner and sunset at La Libertad Port.

• Overnight in San Salvador.

Day 0 photo 1

2 30/11/2025

Tour of San Salvador

• Visit Divina Providencia Chapel, where Archbishop Romero was assassinated.

• Museum of Word and Image (MUPI) and hear first hand accounts of a survivor of the Civil War.

• Monument of Memory and Truth, dedicated to the victims of this conflict.

• Visit the tomb of Archbishop Romero, which is in the Central Cathedral.

• Finally we will go to El Tunco for dinner at the seaside.

Day 1 photo 1

3 01/12/2025


• Visit a private ranch with an ammo factory where we will meet a security consultant.

• Then we will visit the colonial town of Panchimalco where we will have some free time to explore.

• In the afternoon we will visit San Jose Guayabal and meet Mayor Vilanova, who has initiated a grassroots surveillance and protection system.

Day 2 photo 1

4 02/12/2025

San Jose de la Montana

• Guided tour of Mayor’s Vilanova municipality where we will see some communities that were abandoned due to gang-related displacement of families.

• Make our way to San Jose de la Montana. In this community we will meet the founder of a rural self-defense group.

• We will say goodbye to El Salvador with a picturesque boat ride across the mangroves to watch the sunset.

Day 3 photo 1

5 03/12/2025

Cross to Honduras

• We will cross into Honduras today.

• We arrive in Copan Ruinas and have a free evening to relax.

Day 4 photo 1

6 04/12/2025

Mayan site of Copan

• Tour of the Mayan ruins of Copan during the morning.

• Alternative tour of the town of Copan Ruinas. It is a very sobering experience that will tie together all of the accounts we heard in El Salvador.

Day 5 photo 1

7 05/12/2025

Cross into Guatemala

• Cross the border into Guatemala where we will have a better understanding of the odyssey forced upon displaced Central Americans.

• At night we will arrive in Antigua, Guatemala and have the night at leisure.

Day 6 photo 1

8 06/12/2025

Pacaya Volcano

• Hike to the active volcano Pacaya. We will have the opportunity of getting a pizza cooked inside of the active vents (not included).

• The rest of the day will be spent at leisure by enjoying the several bars and restaurants in Antigua.

Day 7 photo 1

9 07/12/2025

Tour Ends / Optional Extension

• After breakfast, the main tour ends. We can arrange extra accommodation if you wish to stay longer in Antigua.

• For those taking the extension, we depart for Flores after breakfast. We stay there until lunch, then take a boat from Flores Island to the Tayasal Peninsula.

• We start our walk at the Tayasal Archaeological site and continue walking through the forest to reach San Miguel Village, an excellent opportunity to see how the local people live.

• Afterwards, we cross by boat back to Flores Island to explore the island city. Then we transfer to the Mayan site of Tikal (approximately 90 minutes) to stay overnight in the jungle lodge.

Day 8 photo 1

10 08/12/2025

Head to Belize

• We start today at 04:30, which is very early but worth it.

• Catch the sunrise as it peaks over the pyramids of Tikal.

• Explore the whole site, including the Jaguar Temple, Grand Plaza, Central Acropolis and other locations, before returning to the lodge at 10:30 to check out and have an early lunch.

• At noon, we depart for the Belize border. Once through, we will take the ferry across the Mopan River and drive to the Xunantunich Mayan Site to view another fantastic set of ruins.

• After our visit, we head to Belize City, arriving around 18:00, to stay overnight.

Day 9 photo 1

11 09/12/2025

Tour Ends

• Today the tour ends in Belize City, but we can arrange extra accommodation if you wish to spend more time there.

Please note:

Extension price - £495 (does not include flights)
Extension single supplement price: £80


  • - All breakfasts
  • - 3* accomodation throughout
  • - Local English speaking guides and transport
  • - Security team in El Salvador
  • - Entrance fees
  • - Lupine tour leader
  • - Flights
  • - Airport transfers
  • - Entry and departure fees (payable on borders)
  • - Tips for guide
  • - Lunch and dinner
  • - Single supplement (£245 - we can allocate another sole traveller to share with if required, subject to availability)
  • - Extension tour to Belize (£495)
  • - Extension tour single supplement (£80)
  • - Extension tour flights
  • Tour Price: £1385
  • Deposit: £250
  • Single Room Supplement: £245
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