Central America – El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala


Tour itinerary can be seen below.

1 30/11/2024

Arrive in San Salvador

• Arrival into San Salvador.

• Make our way to the hotel and meet at night to go for a group dinner and sunset at La Libertad Port.

• Overnight in San Salvador.

Day 0 photo 1

2 01/12/2024

Tour of San Salvador

• Visit Divina Providencia Chapel, where Archbishop Romero was assassinated.

• Museum of Word and Image (MUPI) and hear first hand accounts of a survivor of the Civil War.

• Monument of Memory and Truth, dedicated to the victims of this conflict.

• Visit the tomb of Archbishop Romero, which is in the Central Cathedral.

• Finally we will go to El Tunco for dinner at the seaside.

Day 1 photo 1

3 02/12/2024


• Visit a private ranch with an ammo factory where we will meet a security consultant.

• Then we will visit the colonial town of Panchimalco where we will have some free time to explore.

• In the afternoon we will visit San Jose Guayabal and meet Mayor Vilanova, who has initiated a grassroots surveillance and protection system.

Day 2 photo 1

4 03/12/2024

San Jose de la Montana

• Guided tour of Mayor’s Vilanova municipality where we will see some communities that were abandoned due to gang-related displacement of families.

• Make our way to San Jose de la Montana. In this community we will meet the founder of a rural self-defense group.

• We will say goodbye to El Salvador with a picturesque boat ride across the mangroves to watch the sunset.

Day 3 photo 1

5 04/12/2024

Cross to Honduras

• We will cross into Honduras today.

• We arrive in Copan Ruinas and have a free evening to relax.

Day 4 photo 1

6 05/12/2024

Mayan site of Copan

• Tour of the Mayan ruins of Copan during the morning.

• Alternative tour of the town of Copan Ruinas. It is a very sobering experience that will tie together all of the accounts we heard in El Salvador.

Day 5 photo 1

7 06/12/2024

Cross into Guatemala

• Cross the border into Guatemala where we will have a better understanding of the odyssey forced upon displaced Central Americans.

• At night we will arrive in Antigua, Guatemala and have the night at leisure.

Day 6 photo 1

8 07/12/2024

Pacaya Volcano

• Hike to the active volcano Pacaya. We will have the opportunity of getting a pizza cooked inside of the active vents (not included).

• The rest of the day will be spent at leisure by enjoying the several bars and restaurants in Antigua.

Day 7 photo 1

9 08/12/2024

Tour Ends

• Today the tour ends. Head to the airport for departing flights.


  • - All breakfasts
  • - 3* accomodation throughout
  • - Local English speaking guides and transport
  • - Security team in El Salvador
  • - Entrance fees
  • - Lupine tour leader
  • - Flights
  • - Airport transfers
  • - Entry and departure fees (payable on borders)
  • - Tips for guide
  • - Lunch and dinner
  • - Single supplement (£245 - we can allocate another sole traveller to share with if required, subject to availability)
  • Tour Price: £1385
  • Deposit: £250
  • Single Room Supplement: £245
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